“Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get it right.”

― Oprah Winfrey

We usually think of January 1st as our time to set goals and dream big. I love this quote because it reminds us that we have chances to begin again all the time. What are you committing to this month? How are you going to make sure it happens?

Here’s how I’m answering these questions right now:

In January I launched my online course (yay! check it out!), so in February I’m taking on a new goal: starting to write my second book. I’ve had the ideas swirling around for a while. My first book, The Empathetic Workplace: 5 Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job, is about how to have conversations with those in your workplace who are struggling, in a way that supports them and also takes care of you. My second book is about how to create the work environment where those types of conversation can happen in the first place. It’s tentatively called Building the Empathetic Workplace: Creating a Culture that is Human-Centered and Trauma-Informed. Like the first book, it will contain research, statistics, practical advice, and lots of stories.

I’m making it happen by blocking off time on my weekly calendar (early mornings are the best time for me), getting help from others (announcing it like I’m doing now helps keep me accountable), and using Scrivener‘s word count tracker (which makes my sticker-chart-loving soul sing).

So: what are you committing to this month? And how are you going to make sure it happens?