Fridays Together is a free monthly facilitated conversation about how we’re taking care of ourselves as we’re taking care of those around us. We meet on the second Friday of the month at noon Eastern, for one hour. I choose a theme for the conversation and introduce the topic, then we open up for discussion. You can learn more and sign up here.
We held our first conversation in July and the theme was Art.
We talked about the power of art in healing, connection, self-care, and joy. We also talked about how making art teaches us about risk-taking, problem-solving–and getting more comfortable with mistakes. The call included a wide array of artists, including painters, musicians, cooks, knitters, photographers, and more, as well as a lot of art lovers.
We shared ideas on easy ways to connect with art, including following artists on Instagram, creating music playlists, and taking advantage of online classes and tours. You’ll find a list of those we identified below.
Our next conversation is Friday, August 13 at noon Eastern/11am Central/10am Mountain/9am Pacific. Hope to see you there!
Fill up your feed with images that inspire and delight!
Online Tours and Concerts:
Here is a list of museums you can visit online. You can also hear the Boston Symphony, visit the Eiffel Tower, and tour some national parks.
Art Classes:
There are classes for painting, photography, watercolor, and more. I made a commitment to taking an online class myself, and am considering piano lessons.
Finally, here is my hip hop playlist. It’ll get you dancing!
I’d love to hear more suggestions, so please share!