What I’m Talking About When I Talk About Trauma

What I’m Talking About When I Talk About Trauma

In my work advising organizations on better responses to trauma in the workplace, I often hit an early stumbling block: What is trauma, anyway? It can be surprisingly controversial. Some are concerned that “trauma” is overused; “I’m so traumatized because my boss is...
How to Discuss the Elephant in the Room

How to Discuss the Elephant in the Room

I recently provided my thoughts for an article in Newsweek on “forced trauma talks” in some workplaces—where employees are required to discuss difficult experiences from their pasts. In case it wasn’t clear, you don’t owe anyone your story of trauma....
The LASER Technique: Return

The LASER Technique: Return

This is the final article in a series on my LASER technique for an empathetic response to trauma on the job, as set forth in my book, The Empathetic Workplace. In previous articles, I’ve covered Listen, Acknowledge, Share, and Empower. Today, I’m discussing the last...
The LASER Technique: Empower

The LASER Technique: Empower

In the midst of the pandemic’s surge in India, it became difficult to find hospital beds even for the most sick. Frantic families called far and wide, worked connections, and prayed. Neuland Industries, a pharmaceutical company, knew it needed to do something to help...
The LASER Technique: Share

The LASER Technique: Share

After the horrors of apartheid, South Africa created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to bring to light the atrocities that had been perpetrated. Through the Commission, one woman was able to hear the details of her husband’s death directly from his murderer. She...
The LASER Technique: Acknowledge

The LASER Technique: Acknowledge

Following the murder of George Floyd, a manager realized that she should address racism at her next staff meeting. At the start of the meeting, she asked the African-American members of her mostly-white team to talk about issues of racism and bias (not the best way to...