Building an Inclusive Workplace

Building an Inclusive Workplace

In honor of Pride Month, I wanted to share this video of a discussion on the cost of assimilation at the workplace. When we create work environments where everyone can show up authentically, we build trust, productivity, engagement, creativity, and loyalty. Studies...
Institutional Betrayal

Institutional Betrayal

A topic I find myself discussing a lot lately is institutional betrayal. In times of crisis, we look to our leaders to support and protect us. When instead they communicate inconsistently (or not at all) or take actions that we fear will hurt us or those we care...
Addressing Compassion Fatigue

Addressing Compassion Fatigue

Join me! We’re all carrying a lot lately, at work and at home. I know we want to manage it all on our own, but the reality is, life is a lot easier when we have support. I’ll soon be piloting a monthly facilitated call to discuss compassion fatigue and how...
Well-Being Week in Law

Well-Being Week in Law

It’s Well-being in Law Week and so I have a special message today for my siblings at bar. Ready? Here goes:1. You are not superhuman. You are just regular human. That means that you need sleep, water, food, sunshine, exercise, human interaction, laughter. All of those...
Leading Well When It Matters Most

Leading Well When It Matters Most

I’m so pleased to announce that I’ve recently become a columnist with CEOWORLD. I’m thrilled to be able to share thoughts on empathetic leadership with their engaged and thoughtful audience of C-Suite executives. My first column is on Leading Well...