Podcast on Trauma at Work

Podcast on Trauma at Work

I got to have a great conversation recently with Jennifer Simpson Carr of Furia Rubel Communications about trauma at work–how it shows up, the impact it has, and how we can get better at supporting each other through it. One of my favorite parts of the...
Gallup 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report

Gallup 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report

The Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report was recently released and the findings are a doozy: -60% of workers reported being emotionally detached at work, and 19% were miserable -Only 33% reported feeling engaged (even lower than in 2020) -50% of US workers feel...
Develop Cultural Humility

Develop Cultural Humility

This is a reprint of my LinkedIn newsletter for August 2022. To subscribe to the newsletter, click here. I recently attended the funeral of a man who had been a supervisor in a large company. The service was Quaker, so attendees were invited to speak if we chose to....
Acknowledgement at Work

Acknowledgement at Work

A recent series of studies led by Harvard Business School professor Julian Zlatev showed the importance of acknowledging others’ difficult emotions at work, finding that participants were more likely to trust coworkers who acknowledged their feelings, especially...
Pro Se Cross-Examination of Victims

Pro Se Cross-Examination of Victims

My first law review article was recently published in the Brooklyn Law Review, entitled, “Protecting the Constitution While Protecting Victims: Challenges to Pro Se Cross-Examination.” I was motivated to write on this subject after hearing numerous...